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If you are interested in our advertising offer please contact us via e-mail at [email protected].

Audience and Content is an IT industry portal with text, video and podcast content in Hungary. Since 2014 we have published several hundred pages of content, and more than 100 episodes of our podcast, as well as several dozen educational videos, reaching several thousand industry professionals and neighboring areas.

In 2020 we have merged in the also popular Refaktor Magazin’s content and audience. Our core audience is beginning and advanced developers and DevOps engineers. On a yearly basis we reach more than a hundred thousand plays on our podcast across several platforms, and we also organize meetups regularly, attracting between 50 and 100 participants.

Display areas


#### Paid article We publish an article of your writing about a technology you wish to promote. This article will stay highlighted on the front page for a month above the fold. **Price: 60.000 HUF or 180 €**
#### Advertising block Publish an advertisement on our front page with content you provide. **Price: 40.000 HUF or 120 € for the first two weeks and then 15.000 HUF or 50 € for every subsequent week for the same ad.**


#### 30 advertising block Publish a 30 second advertising block in the last 10 minutes of our weekly podcast, produced by you. The advertisement will be published on all channels (SoundCloud, iTunes, etc) and will stay online for the lifetime of the podcast. **Price: 100.000 HUF or 300** **€ / episode**
#### Sponsored Episode We will record our weekly podcast with an industry expert you provide in Hungarian. The topic will be chosen together, according to the expectations of our audience. **Price: 115.000 HUF or 350 € / episode**


#### Rollup and Short Introduction Place rollup and introduce your company at our quarterly meetup. **Price: 10.000 HUF or 30 €**
#### Provide Location (Budapest) Provide a location, drinks and food for the meetup in the inner city of Budapest, and also introduce your company. **Price: Free**
#### On-Site Meetup On-Site Meetup at your Location, where you provide drinks and food, outside the inner city of Budapest, and a short introduction of your company. **Price: Please contact us at [email protected]**
#### Speaker Slot Provide your own speaker (Hungarian) for a 30 minute slot at our quarterly meetup to speak about an industry topic. (Please provide speaking references for your speaker.) **Price: 30.000 HUF or 100 €**